Ode To Joy – Part 1 (Right Hand Only)

This video shows how to play Beethoven’s Ode To Joy with the right hand only.


  • While the child watches me playing the song in the video have her follow along with the sheet music pointing with her index finger from one note to the next.
  • Make her read the note names from the first line of the sheet music below.
  • Point to one of the notes in the second line of the sheet music below and ask the child to play the corresponding note (use the sheet below). Tip: allow the child to look at the keyboard to pitches table below to find the right name.

Ode To Joy RH

5 Finger Repetition Exercise For Both Hands

This finger exercise for the beginning piano student strengthens and increases mobility of all the fingers, promotes finger independency,
relaxes inactive fingers.

This video shows a technique exercise for all fingers executed with both hands simultaneously.

What is this exercise for?

This is a great warm-up exercise that will

  • strengthen and increase mobility of all the fingers,
  • promote finger independency,
  • relax inactive fingers.

Practice Tip:

This exercise is most effective when each finger stays in contact with its respective key at all time. The goal is to learn to keep the non-playing fingers inactive. This does not mean, that they must be completely still. They may wiggle a little bit along side the active finger, and that’s ok, as long as the fingertip rests on the key.

5 Finger Exercise 1

This video shows a simple 5 finger exercise (one hand at a time)

Lyrical Etude

This is a nice piece that features a left hand accompaniment which alternates between different fingers and the thump.

Check out my video below. It includes also a practice tip, that helps the student to first master the note changes by simplifying the left hand.




Etude in G

Etude in G by Karl Czerny

This nice song features the famous “Alberti Bass” figure in the left hand which is an accompaniment pattern used in countless pieces.

Definition: Alberti bass is a kind of broken chord or arpeggiated accompaniment, where the notes of the chord are presented in the order lowest, highest, middle, highest. This pattern is then repeated.[1] The broken chord pattern helps to create a smooth, sustained, flowing sound on the piano.

The video shows me playing the song. It includes a play-along section that allows the student to perform along with the recording playing only one hand at a time.


C Major Scale

The C Major Scale

The C Major scale – a seven note scale – is also called the “white keys” scale. Many consider it the easiest scale because it does not involve any of the black keys. I will dispute this theory in an other article. Regardless, the C major scale is the first scale most beginning piano students learn.

The major scale consists of the seven pitches. After the seventh pitch the notes repeat in the octave.

Screen Shot 2016-07-17 at 6.33.10 PM

There are several challenges when playing the scale. One of it is that we have only 5 fingers. This means we have to use the same fingers several times over. This involves resetting the hand’s position as we move up and down the keyboard. To do this smoothly we use a technique commonly known as “under thump”. This technique takes extensive use of the thump, which can cause problems when not used in the correct manner.

Please note that the rotation of the wrist has been greatly exaggerated in the video for demonstration purposes, as sou can see when I play the scale at a faster pace.


Vivace (by Cornelius Gurlitt)

This beautiful song requires us to play two notes at the same time in the left hand. It is recommended that the pupil first practices measure one and two repeatedly (left hand only), with a little pause between the notes. It takes a lot of finger coordination to separate out two fingers without pressing keys with the non-active fingers at the same time.

Here is a great exercise: lift the active fingers while resting the non active fingers on the keyboard.